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Hong Kong's ASMTP Visa: A Pathway for Mainland Chinese Talent

Hong Kong has long been a hub for global talent, and the city’s Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals (ASMTP) is a key program for attracting top professionals from mainland China.

What is the ASMTP Visa?

The ASMTP visa is a work visa specifically designed for mainland Chinese citizens who possess specialized skills or knowledge that are in demand in Hong Kong. It provides a streamlined immigration pathway for these talented individuals to live and work in the city.

Who Qualifies for the ASMTP Visa?

To be eligible for the ASMTP visa, applicants must meet the following key criteria:

  • Hold a bachelor’s degree or above
  • Have a confirmed offer of employment in Hong Kong in a job relevant to their academic background and experience
  • Possess specialized skills, knowledge or experience of value to and in demand in Hong Kong

Certain professions, such as engineering, sciences, business, and the arts, are particularly well-suited for the ASMTP visa.

Hong Kong's ASMTP Visa A Pathway for Mainland Chinese Talent

Application Process of ASMTP Visa

The ASMTP visa application process involves submitting documents such as:

  • Completed application form
  • Copy of passport
  • Academic certificates
  • Employment contract
  • Proof of specialized skills/qualifications

Applications are reviewed by the Hong Kong Immigration Department, with processing times typically taking 4-6 weeks.

Benefits of the ASMTP Visa

The ASMTP visa offers several key advantages:

  • No quota or labor market test requirements
  • Dependents (spouse and children under 18) can also obtain visas
  • Dependents can work in Hong Kong without the need for a separate work visa
  • Potential path to permanent residency after 7 years

This makes the ASMTP visa an attractive option for mainland Chinese talent looking to take their careers to new heights in Hong Kong.

Entry of dependents

Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals (ASMTP) applicants can also include their spouse or partner in the application. They can also include their unmarried dependent children under 18 years under the current dependent policy. The applicant admitted or applying under the ASMTP must become the sponsor of the accompanying dependents to Hong Kong.

A dependent application may be looked upon more favorably if:

  • You can provide evidence of a genuine relationship between you and your dependent.
  • The dependent does not have any previous detrimental record.
  • The sponsor has sufficient funds to support the standard of living of the dependent and provide them with suitable accommodation when in Hong Kong.

The validity of the dependent visa would be the same as that of the sponsor. Any extension of stay applied for would only be considered if the sponsor continues to meet all the eligibility requirements of residence. Also, there should have been no changes in the circumstances of the dependent which could lead to loss of sponsorship, such as divorce, separation, or death of the sponsor. Dependents are allowed to work or study in Hong Kong under the existing policy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Under the Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals (ASMTP), Chinese nationals living on the Chinese mainland who have special skills, knowledge, or experience that is valuable to Hong Kong but not easily accessible there may apply to come work there.

Of course, under Hong Kong’s Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals (ASMTP), you are able to request for a change of employment. But first, you have to meet the qualifying standards and get a job offer that fits your qualifications and skill set.

Yes, you may apply (in your visa application or subsequently) to bring in your spouse or lawful domestic partner (same-sex or opposite-sex) and unmarried dependant children under the age of 18 to Hong Kong.  Some restrictions on applicant’s nationality apply.

An initial stay of 36 months, or in accordance with the duration of the employment contract (whichever is shorter), upon entry.  Afterwards, you may apply for an extension within 4 weeks before expiry.  With subsequent successful extensions, you will normally be permitted to stay on a 3-2 years pattern, or for the duration of employment contract

To Learn more about Hong Kong ASMTP Visa & want help applying to this immigration program, Contact us today!

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