Jaffe Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong    +852 2169 0388


Simard & Associates 自2010年在香港成立以來,一直致力於幫助客戶進行加拿大、美國等地的商業移民。 我們的創始人 Mathieu Simard 在亞太地區積累了近 20 年的跨文化行業經驗; 他在移民諮詢和移民法方面的豐富經驗已幫助成千上萬的客戶成功移民到他們想要的目的地。


Simard & Associates 多年來處理的案件成功率高,贏得了客戶的信任,並成為香港可靠的移民諮詢公司的聲譽。 Simard & Associates 與其他在香港提供移民服務的公司的不同之處在於我們擁有魁北克執照的移民律師顧問團隊。


Director & Immigration Lawyer

Mr. Simard obtained a Bachelor of Law Degree from Sherbrooke University in 2000 and has been a member in good standing of the Quebec Bar since 2002. In the same year, Mr. Simard moved to Hong Kong and has since continued to work as an immigration lawyer and consultant representing clients from around the world, specifically in the APAC region. During his numerous years of practice, Mr. Simard has gained an unrivalled reputation within the immigration law and business community. At the beginning of 2010, Mathieu Simard established Simard & Associates which specialized mainly in immigration law for entrepreneurs and investors of different countries.



Managing Partner

Ms. Cheung has successfully managed the dealings and day-to-day operations of Simard & Associates as the key liaison figure since its establishment. She has effectively broadened the contacts and interactions of Simard & Associates through international dialogue and exchanges with agents, diplomatic figures and government officials. With the efforts of Ms. Cheung, Simard & Associates has positioned itself as one of the leaders in assisting high-net-worth individuals to attain their immigration goals, be it to Mainland China, Hong Kong, Canada, the United States or Europe.



Immigration Lawyer

After receiving his bachelor’s degree in Law at the Université de Montréal and a Comparative and International Law diploma at the University of San Diego in 2010, Mr. Lescouflair went on to complete the Quebec Bar the following year. He also holds a master’s degree in e-Commerce (Business and Law) from HEC Montréal Business School and an MBA from the University of Manchester. Prior to joining Simard & Associates, Mr. Lescouflair involved in legal research for the University of Montréal in the fields of civil law, e-commerce and information technology.


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